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COVID-19: How to make This Learning Opportunity

COVID-19: How to make This Learning Opportunity

Covid-19 is certainly one of the most unlucky periods for students as they are at the receiving end of this pandemic more than any other group. A lot of students have reported that their job offers weren’t honored. On the other hand, placements were also significantly lower even in the top institutes. The job market is dented heavily but this doesn’t mean that students can’t do anything about the situation. In a sense, the Covid-19 lockdown has allowed them to take out a lot of dedicated time to think about their careers and acquire new skills. Their previous batches didn’t have this opportunity of spending a long period on their career plans. If you are looking forward to re-pivot or rethink your career goals, this is the right time. Read this article to know about the skills that you can learn to covid-19 a learning opportunity.

Top 20 skills to master in lockdown

To turn this lockdown into a learning opportunity, you will have to explore a completely new, market relevant skill set. In this article, we have gathered a list of top 20 skills after consulting training and placement officers, company recruiters, assignment help experts of top universities, and industry experts. You can follow this list as it contains skills and software for students from all disciplines. Dev in deeper to learn more.

Web Designing and Development

Technology has a vital role to play during and post-Covid time. Every business is moving its operation online. It allows web developers to establish their career in the field of web designing and development. Web designers are responsible for improving the user experience, layout, and user interface while web developers take care of the website’s functioning. You can also work on a freelance basis while being quarantined.

App Development

App development is the process of making software for a computer or a mobile phone. A developer is responsible for the programming and testing of applications. These apps have assisted government organizations in tracking and tracing a Covid positive patient. Technologies such as android, iOS, and flutter are in demand. After the Covid Era, telemedicine will be a game-changing tool in the field of healthcare. Thus, it offers ample employment opportunities.

Statistical Analysis 

Statistical analysis is the method of analyzing data to find underlying patterns and trends to make apt decisions. It is used in multiple sectors such as manufacturing, aviation, music, financial market, and healthcare. It is also used in the study of the growth of novel coronavirus. We can also find the effectiveness of vaccines for COVID-19 using stats.

Data Mining

Data mining is the process of studying a large pool of data with a view to finding conclusive patterns. You can also predict future results by analyzing historical data. The process of data mining is divided into six steps i.e., business understanding, data accumulation, data refinement, data modeling, evaluation, and deployment. The business owner prefers data mining because the result is accurate, and the process is automatic hence reliable.

Auto CAD

Auto CAD is computer-aided designing software that is primarily used for drafting. We can create different views of complex mechanical components with the help of this software. These drawings are utilized in production planning and procurement. You can get permanent employment in the manufacturing industry, and freelancing is also possible if you have acquired this skill.

Industrial Design

Industrial design is the process of designing a product. A product is designed in such a way that its functions can be performed without any hassle; moreover, aesthetically, it looks appealing. When the design is finalized, it is checked in various conditions, such as extreme temperature and heavy load. To make product design, you should learn Solidgede, Ansys, Creo, Catia, and analysis is done in Ansys.


The name ‘MATLAB’ referred to the Mathematics Laboratory and was originally programmed to solve matrix problems. It is a high-performance computer scientific computing software developed to handle data analysis problems, algorithm development, embedded system, wireless communication, image processing, IoT, and mechatronics. The application of this software is vast and, consequently, chances of employment too.


Blockchain is an advanced technology of record-keeping; here, ‘block’ means information, and ‘chain’ means database. It has the potential to get implemented in banking, investing, but currently, it is working in the transaction of bitcoins.

Project Management

This skill is needed in every sector, whether it is IT or civil engineering. It involves planning timeline, segmentation of work, resource allocation, foresee any contingency, managing the human resource, budgeting, and delivery to the client with a stipulated deadline.

Business Analysis

It is a skill to assess a business idea’s potential or predict the future of existing business using data and IT infrastructure. Business analysts are responsible for making the functioning of business operations efficient. To be the best analyst, you need to learn forecasting, risk analysis, variance analysis, planning, and budgeting of a project.

Investor Relations

The multinational company hires investor relationship managers to develop and maintain investors’ and shareholders’ confidence so as to receive funds from them. To master this skill, you needed strong communication and marketing skills, and knowledge of rules and regulations would be advantageous. There is classroom training for this skill. You have to teach your efforts. A management or accounting graduate can work in this position.


The skill of Translation requires fluency in multiple languages. Most of the company hires a translator to translate the language of documents. You will be asked to translate scientific documents, legal documents, or the work of famous poets. While translating, you need to maintain the same tone as in the original texts. If you possess this skill, you can work on a freelance basis.

Graphics Designing

You don’t need an IT background or tech-savvy to learn this skill. As the businesses are moving online, the demand for these innovative graphics is increasing. The company uses interactive graphics to engage with customers. In other words, it is used for marketing purposes and for branding; thus, your design should be creative as well as unique. It requires the proficiency of softwares like Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Autocad 3D.


Accounting is the process of maintaining financial transactions relating to the business. It also includes summarizing the balance sheet for tax collection. This result of accounting is used as input in decision making and budgeting. You need a finance background to learn this skill. With this skill, you easily land up a job as a bookkeeper.

In the next portions, we will focus on the soft skills that are relevant to all domains.

Resume Writing

A resume is a document that highlights your skill and achievements. It is a document that introduces you to the recruiter, so make sure it is appealing. It is advised to express your achievement in a quantifiable manner so that the recruiter can know your potential. The format and font of the resume should be carefully selected to fit all the important information.


In business, the art of convincing people is considered an epitomic. To convince people, you need to know how and when to make your point. Moreover, you have to learn in what context you will keep forth your arguments. The prerequisite of persuasion is ‘be interesting.’ People won’t listen to you unless you hold their attention.

Emotional Intelligence

A study concluded that people with higher EI or EQ earn 29000 USD more than people with lower EQ. Emotional intelligence is the skill to understand one’s own emotions and others. A person having high emotional intelligence can differentiate between feelings and emotions; this enables apt decision making.

Communication Skills

Nowadays, employers prefer to hire someone with strong communication skills because an organization operates in a team; you need to have the ability to express your idea with teammates. It also fosters understanding with peers and superiors. An effective communication lowers the chance of conflicts also.


A leader is one who guides their peers and teammates. They are often good at convincing people and have the resilience to endure a setback. They coach their team to achieve a target and motivate them to excel in their job. They have great interpersonal skills; thus, they can manage human resources effortlessly.


In an organization, work is segmented within groups and teams. Each team has targets to achieve with their collaborative efforts. Upper-level executives manage and keep an eye on every individual with a view to find the best performer. You need to develop an understanding with teammates as well as team leaders.

Over to You

Regardless of the situation, being proactive and upskilling is always a good choice. The pandemic may get over soon and at that time, the biggest problem would be coming out not ready for the job market. To avoid this situation, we recommend you learning new skills and be ready when jobs are offered up on the bounce back of economies. You can select any of these skills or even other ones that suit your interests to generate additional value other than your academics. We hope you find this article on making Covid-19 lockdown a learning opportunity inside full for your career.

COVID-19: How to make This Learning Opportunity

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