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Category: Dissertation


Problems Faced By Students While Writing Thesis-Dissertations

A Dissertation is a research project for final year students. It is also called thesis in some countries, which is an independent research of the students they carry out during the course to present their views and searches and be completed for the bachelor’s or masters. It is very important to write a thesis as it can help to test and develop the skills of research and present them along with the help of some guidance. 

This gives an opportunity to learn industry terms as well as develop contacts with businesses. Overall, dissertations are conclusions of advanced research work so making mistakes becomes very natural.  Read this article for understanding the common issues to avoid them. 

Issues Faced While Writing Thesis

A dissertation requires complete attention and proper research for the same, but sometimes it can also cause some mistakes as follows and cause issues for students and their work. You can look out for these problems as they are mostly responsible for low grades despite the hard work done by the research scholars. 

Wide Area Of Search

It is a subject that requires enough information which has to be collected by the students as their original data based on their respective courses, but this can be quite tedious for folks to search a lot on the internet and prepare all the data, which can lead to low grades. 

Selecting An Inappropriate Title

For writing an ideal Thesis, the basic need is to select a proper title and eagerly select their favorite domain without actually knowing what to exactly do with it. There can also be issues with the title as it can be inappropriate for the course of study. Selecting an inappropriate title leads to later on confusion and loss of interest. You can also hire Dissertation help to get the best suitable titles for your thesis work.

Effective Content

As we know, a Dissertation contains a wide area of information, and it is so important for the students to prepare effective content. But not all the folks can work out properly and would not be able to get an ideal output, and as a result, the work becomes less readable, and so they can not meet up to the expectations of the ideal presentation.

Non-Conclusive End

This is a more usual mistake than we can know. Even though the overall content can be written in a perfect way, sometimes the folks fail to give a proper ending, which leads to the complete work being less effective and tiresome to read. Dissertations are meant for echoing real-life applications and hence, non-conclusive ends are against the core purpose of pursuing a thesis/dissertation. 

Summing Up

These were among the top issues faced while writing dissertations. This list will help you avoid some of the common issues but you can always Dissertation writing help to get good grades in a timely manner. High Quality Assignment Help is committed to improving the quality of education and assisting students in their studies.


20 Best Dissertation Topics on Discrimination

Because of the practice’s impact on both past and present humanity, discrimination essays are an essential component of history and social sciences. You can opt for  Dissertation Help for a clear perspective.

Here are a few more pointers to help you improve the overall quality of your essay:

  • An introduction and a conclusion should accompany your discrimination essay body. 
  • The former introduces the topic and gives the reader a thesis statement that identifies the essay’s main point. The latter summarises the text and concludes with some last thoughts.
  • Divide your paper into sections with topic-specific titles. 
  • This method improves the structure and presentation of the essay, making it easier for the reader to traverse, especially when using well-designed discrimination essay titles.

Latest Discrimination Essay Topics & Write-up Hint

  1. Workplace Discrimination Remediation

The debate that follows will address the applicability of these principles as well as what needs to be done to eliminate workplace prejudice.

  1. Discrimination Based on Gender and Race

Gender and race issues should be addressed thoroughly; for example, in certain civilizations, men are thought to be superior to women and hold all of the major posts.

  1. Political Discrimination Against Women

In most countries, women are constantly pushed to the fringe of numerous societal activities. Women in society are treated as second-class citizens as a result of their education.

  1. Ethnic Groups and Discrimination

According to Takaki’s essay on “A different mirror,” the Native Americans were a result of settlements by individuals of many ethnic groups such as Africans, pilgrims, and Asians in the 1960s.

  1. Various Racial Discrimination Challenges

Furthermore, this paper explains why vice should be avoided because no one is superior to the other and that the struggle against racial prejudice should begin with one individual and then spread.

  1. Discrimination in Hiring

Because the applicant should be familiar with the firm and the responsibilities to be performed, it is required to provide a basic overview of the company, its history, and the specifics of the position for which the applicant is applying.

  1. Labor Discrimination in the US Economy

As a result, numerous industry players are interested in determining the causes of the large disparity in employment between Whites and African-Americans in the market.

  1. Discrimination in the workplace

Furthermore, the statute was essential in the founding of the EEOC, a body entrusted with the job of enforcing this law, as well as other laws aimed at protecting employees from discrimination.

  1. Discrimination Against Asian Americans in College

This includes the percentage representation of Asian Americans in the entrance and/or enrollment pools of their individual schools and institutions with the percentage of the total population.

Most Interesting Discrimination Topics to Write About

  1. Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

This necessitates the employer taking into account factors such as the number of women and men who applied for the available employment.

  1. Discrimination at Publix Incorporation

Despite the firm’s management’s claim that it is committed to promoting nondiscrimination, Publix Incorporation has not effectively implemented anti-discrimination rules.

  1. Discrimination in the School

Describe the behavior of the students in this class using the data in this case. Due to their attitude toward the new colored student in class, the children’s behavior demonstrates racial discrimination.

  1. Discrimination in the Workplace

The present surge in temporary, part-time wage work and other forms of employment that are not covered by labour laws and rules in Canada has contributed significantly to cases of discrimination and other forms of harassment.

  1. Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

This article will describe gender prejudice and gender discrimination in the context of social physical and social limitations of the workplace that is experienced at work in the context of the United States.

  1. Discrimination and the Fight for Equality

This paper discusses the efforts made by the poor and people of color to eradicate discrimination. The constitution was changed in 1919 to accommodate the interests of women.

  1.  Homosexual Discrimination

In the case of Clinton, while releasing the Executive Order, he had researched the relationship and the condition of the military and decided to have an order that would be beneficial.

  1. Accent Discrimination and its Negative Consequences

Learners of English as a second language have suffered considerably as a result of discrimination from other people due to differences in pronunciation.

  1. Poverty, homelessness, and discrimination in Australia: The Aboriginal Experience

Here, it can be highlighted; the many features of ownership of the means of production in the form of factories, machines, and technology, as well as the evolving system of production relations as significant determinants of classes.

  1. Discrimination in the Labor Market

As a result, there are two schools of thought that attempt to explain racial discrimination in the labor market: the market-oriented approach and the entrenched perspective.

  1. Discrimination based on age in the workplace

According to the provisions specified and proposed in the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, all employees aged forty and above are allowed to work and obtain all employment benefits.

Discrimination topics can not only help you with your academic paper but also help make a real difference in the future. Feel free to pick up any topic of your choice and take assistance from a High Quality Assignment Help to aid you with the process. You can start with a thesis and take our Thesis Writing Services and raise your grades.


How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation – Dissertation Assignment Help

A dissertation or thesis is the longest and most difficult task a student has ever completed. However, this can be a satisfying task, as unlike essays and other assignments, the student can choose a specific interest and work on it independently.

The research trip will be much easier if the student has a general idea of how to write a dissertation or thesis.

Step 1: Understand what an essay is

So, what exactly is an article?

A dissertation or thesis, simply expressed, is formal study that represents a certain research technique. This is not the place to air your grievances or encourage others to endorse your cause.

Today, what method of research is most common?

Ask the most detailed and well-articulated query you can think of. Check out the opinions of other experts on this. If they do not answer adequately, gather and meticulously examine your data scientifically. Respond to your basic questions depending on your study findings.

Step 2: Select a distinct and valuable concept.

As previously said, the first stage in the research process is to ask a specific, well-defined topic. In other words, you must develop a study topic that tackles a specific issue or set of issues. We refer to them as research questions.

Step 3: Construct a compelling study proposal.

Once you have selected a worthwhile research subject, the next step is to convince your university to investigate it.

Regardless of how fantastic you believe your topic to be, it must first be authorized in order to move on with your investigation. An effective study proposal can assist in achieving this.

So, what precisely would the study proposal contain?

You make a strong statement that is well stated and important.

You conducted some preliminary study on the body of writing on your issue.

Your strategy for gathering and analyzing data is quite detailed.

Step 4: Compose a solid first chapter.

When your proposal has been accepted, you may begin writing your study or thesis.

Your initial three topics, Literary Review, and Methodology—will be based on your concept.

What is the point of the first chapter?

In general, it consists of the following:

A Perfect summary of the study’s backdrop, including how the major emphasis of the research was determined. Problem statement highlighting the issue with present research. Your questions Important to think carefully that your investigation will attempt to answer. Your Surveys Importance, or more specifically, why it is significant and how the world will benefit from your results.

Step 5: Conduct a thorough examination of the literature.

To locate your research gap and create a strong research proposal, you must perform some fundamental evaluation in stages 2 and 3. However, this is only the start. When your study or thesis reaches the literary review stage, you should do a more thorough investigation into the most recent findings and write a comprehensive chapter on the topic. There are two major phases:

The first stage is to undertake a thorough examination of the published studies (journal articles, textbook chapters, industry reports, and so on) to obtain a thorough grasp of the current status of research on your topic. It takes time and effort to read and grasp the needed literature. The work involved in this phase is typically underestimated by students, therefore when organizing your studies, allow adequate time for it.

After reading and understanding all of the material, you must write your literature review chapter. You must do a minimum of three things to produce an effective literature review chapter:

You must combine the existing research without describing it. In other words, you need to show how several parts of a hypothesis fit together and which parts experts agree and disagree on. Determine which research gap your project will fill. In order to offer a remedy to your study difficulty, you must first state it clearly.

Step 6: Do your research

When you have completed your literature evaluation and are fully aware of the existing research, it is time to develop your study (finally!) You will conduct this study to find answers to your specific research topic.

The first stage is to define your research approach and develop the methodology section.

Make a research strategy.

The first stage is to develop your research plan and create a methodology chapter. In other words, this chapter discusses the how of your study.

Gather data 

Once your study proposal is established, you begin gathering data. This might involve conducting interviews, running online surveys, or utilizing any other data collection-related technologies. Data collection might take a long time, so plan ahead of time. Things may not always go as planned (for example, you may not receive the expected survey replies), so budget for some additional time.

Step 7: Showcase your results

When you’ve finished your study, it’s time to communicate your results. Often, two chapters, the results section and the debate chapter will be used to summarize your findings in one publication or thesis.

Results and differences in discussion chapters

Despite similarities between the results and discussion chapters, the analysis chapter examines the article that tells the data, or, in other words, your perception of the findings, while the outcomes section simply delivers the manufactured data in a clear and succinct manner without any more clarification.

Main points are occasionally combined into one chapter, depending on the university and the degree. So make sure you obtain certification through your institute. No matter the chapter context, this part summarizes the study findings in a clear and understandable manner.

Step 8: Conclude and talk about their implications

You conclude your research by highlighting the most important results in this chapter and discussing the results of those discoveries.
What are the most important discoveries? Major discoveries that directly affect your actual research questions and overall study goals (which you discussed in your introductory chapter). On the other hand, your research explains what it means for the industry or research in your field. High Quality Assignment Help is here to help you with your dissertations. Get in touch with us now!


How to write a dissertation essay in 5 minutes

In today’s business world, creating a strong brand image is essential to stand out. One of the critical components of building a brand is developing a consistent visual identity that conveys the brand’s message and values. 


When it comes to branding, consistency is key. Creating a consistent visual identity helps build a strong brand image easily recognizable and remembered by customers. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a visual identity, defining your brand’s personality, brand positioning, typography and fonts, logo design, consistent use of visual elements, developing a brand style guide, tips for maintaining consistency and measuring the success of your brand image.

Understanding the Importance of a Visual Identity

A visual identity is the face of your brand. It visually represents your brand’s personality, values, and promise to customers. It includes all the visual elements of your brand, such as colours, typography, imagery, and logo design.

A consistent visual identity is essential because it helps customers quickly recognize your brand. When your visual identity is consistent across all your marketing channels, it reinforces your brand’s message and values, making it easier for customers to trust and remember your brand.

Elements of a Visual Identity

A brand’s visual identity is made up of several elements. These include:

  • Logo: A unique symbol or design that represents the brand.
  • Colour Palette: A selection of colours that represent the brand’s personality and values.
  • Fonts: A set of typefaces used consistently across all branding materials.
  • Imagery: The photographs, illustrations, or other visual elements communicate the brand’s message.
How to write a dissertation essay in 5 minutes

Tips for Creating a Consistent Visual Identity

Now that you understand the importance of visual identity and the elements involved let’s discuss some tips for creating a consistent visual identity.

Step 1: Define your brand identity

You must establish your brand identity before developing a unified visual identity. Your target market, brand personality, fundamental values, and beliefs all form part of your brand identity.

You can define your brand identity by answering the following questions:

  • Whom are you trying to reach? What are their preferences, requirements, and interests?
  • What is your brand personality? Are you friendly, professional, innovative, or traditional?
  • What are your core values and beliefs? What do you stand for, and what do you want to achieve?

By defining your brand identity, you may develop a unified visual identity that appeals to your target market.

Step 2: Make a visual style manual.

A visual style guide is a set of guidelines that outlines your brand’s overall look and feel for all platforms. It contains information on your logo, colour scheme, typeface, images, and tone of voice. The following advice will help you create a visual style guide.

  • Start with your logo: Your logo is the most important element of your visual identity. It should be unique, memorable, and scalable.
  • Choose your colour palette: Your colour palette should reflect your brand personality and be consistent across all channels. Consider using a primary colour, secondary colour, and accent colour.
  • Select your typography: Your typography should be easy to read and consistent across all channels. Consider using a serif or sans-serif font, and limit yourself to one or two font families.
  • Define your imagery: Your imagery should reflect your brand personality and be consistent across all channels. Consider using a specific style of photography, illustration, or graphic design.
  • Establish your tone of voice: Your tone should reflect your brand personality and be consistent across all channels. Consider using a specific tone, such as friendly, informative, or authoritative.

You may develop a consistent visual identity that appeals to your target audience with the aid of a visual style guide.

Step 3: Choose the right colours and fonts

For the purpose of developing a unified visual identity, the appropriate colour and font choices are crucial. Your website, social media accounts, marketing materials, and other platforms should all have the same colour scheme and font. Here are some suggestions for picking the appropriate colour. 

  • Choose colours that reflect your brand personality: Your colour palette should reflect your brand personality and be consistent across all channels. Consider using a primary colour, secondary colour, and accent colour.
  • Use colours strategically: Use colours strategically to create a cohesive image across all channels. Consider using your primary colour for your logo and your secondary and accent colours for your marketing materials.
  • Choose fonts that are easy to read: Your typography should be easy to read and consistent across all channels. Consider using a serif or sans-serif font, and limit yourself to one or two font families.
  • Consistently use fonts on all of your websites, social media accounts, marketing collateral, and other items.

Consistent usage of colours and fonts will help your target audience better relate to your visual identity.

Step 4: Use imagery strategically

The visual identity of your brand must include imagery. You may use it to promote brand recognition, explain your business’s story, and develop a consistent image across all platforms. Here are some pointers for strategically employing pictures:

  • Choose imagery that reflects your brand personality: Your imagery should reflect your brand personality and be consistent across all channels. Consider using a specific style of photography, illustration, or graphic design.
  • Utilize photography consistently across all platforms, such as your website, social network accounts, advertising materials, and more. This will assist you in developing a unified brand that appeals to your target market.
  • To engage your target audience and communicate the story of your brand, use pictures intelligently. Use imagery to illustrate your brand’s values, promote your goods or services, or elicit a feeling from your target market.

You may develop a recognisable visual identity that appeals to your target audience by strategically using imagery.

Step 5: Ensure consistency across all channels

To build a strong brand image, you must maintain consistency across all media. Your visual identity need to be consistent throughout all of your marketing materials, social media platforms, and website. The following advice can help you maintain consistency across all media.

  • Use your visual style guide: Use your visual style guide to ensure consistency across all channels. This includes using the same colours, fonts, and imagery.
  • Train your team: Train your team on your visual style guide to ensure everyone uses it consistently.
  • Monitor your channels: Monitor your channels regularly to ensure your visual identity is used consistently.

Maintaining consistency throughout all channels can assist you in developing a strong brand image that appeals to your target market or you can take help from brand management assignment.


Creating a consistent visual identity is essential for building a successful brand image. By defining your brand identity, creating a visual style guide, choosing the right colours and fonts, using imagery strategically, and ensuring consistency across all channels, you can create a cohesive image that resonates with your target audience. With the help of management assignment help these tips can build a strong brand image that helps you stand out, establish trust, and differentiate yourself from competitors.

Unlock the key to building a successful brand image with our comprehensive Brand Management Assignment Help. Discover valuable tips for creating a consistent visual identity that resonates with your target audience. Our experts will provide you with the guidance you need to excel in your brand management studies. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, get the support you need for your assignment today!

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