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Category: Essay Writing

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Common Problems Faced While Writing Essays

Essay writing describes a topic, place and event, personal story, or trip. Essays are a piece of writing that lays out all the ideas of one’s mind and elaborate them with lots of ideas and facts related to the same. It can have thoughts and some arguments that contribute to the overall content and make them linked and readable. But sometimes, the students can make it messy by writing the points not linked to each other and making the overall work look non-readable.

Common Issues Faced By Students While Essay Writing

Mistakes can occur commonly in any topic while writing it. But it should not go unnoticed, and it can be done by taking the following points in mind and making every point of work clearer.

Selecting The Title

The title selection is the most important task to be done as it decides the total content of the essay that will make the assignment and present it. Sometimes, the students decide the topic in a hurry, which they have no idea of what to write and mess up the whole content and make it non-ideal and hence get fewer grades.

Deadlines For Submission

Essay being long or short, deadlines is something that all the students are scared of. Folks are spending a lot of time starting the work, and most of the peak time for maximum work output is wasted. As a result, they have to work so hard and in a great hurry in the last few hours and make it less effective. When the submission deadlines come very close, students often Essay Writing Service.

Understanding The Type Of Essays

Essays can be of various types and have different structures, and are to be written in a specific way. The types of essays are narrative, descriptive problem solution, etc. Students writing essays fail to understand the type and structure of essays and write the points and paragraphs in a mismatching way, which would be inappropriate for the specific and result in fewer grades.

Weak Outline 

The outline is the basic step for essays as it gives the overall idea of the total subject to be added to the essay. A weak outline can be seen when the paragraphs are not linked to each other or more than one idea is mixed up in a single paragraph, and no clear ending is the sign of poorly structured work, which leads to unclear presentation.

Simple Solutions To Avoid The Common Mistakes In Essay Writing

Essay writing can be a detailed process that requires enough research and focus to work for. Issues arising can be solved easily if some tips are followed.

  • Proper and enough research is to get useful information and have the required data to add to the content.
  • Effective conclusion of any work makes it more presentable and ideal for professors.
  • Have enough experience in essay writing so that good work can be done.
  • Keep solving grammatical errors by using verified software like Grammarly.

Essay writing is a very interesting subject to be learned and written as it is a way to express and explain a lot of topics and events as required. It can be made easier if needed help is taken from hiring verified websites like High Quality Assignment Help and get the work done at students’ ease.

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Correct Way Of Writing References And Its Importance

Have you ever thought about the significance of references in our working environment? References play a way more important role than you think. What do you think, what is the reason for creating various reference styles?

Referencing is the part of any academic assignment or paper where every word is taken from other writers and researchers get the credit for the work. Referencing plays an important role in any assignment, that’s why everyone needs to focus on it properly as any small mistake can make you lose marks. High Quality Assignment Help writers have prepared this article to help you understand the importance of refencing, different styles, comparison on how to write different style of refences along with some tips that will be helpful for your resume help.

Importance Of Referencing

The main purpose of using references is to avoid any kind of plagiarism in your document. But that’s not the only reason for using a bibliography. They can help for the following reasons: –

●       To acknowledge the researchers and writers who worked before you on this academic topic.

●       Reference is like the evidence for every argument you make in your paper.

●       You will be seen as the person who’s quite aware of the particular topic as you know about the work done in the past.

●       You will be providing additional and original source information as if someone wants to know more about the topic, they can just look for the other work.

When To Add A Reference

Whenever you write any kind of assignment or paper related to any academic subject, you look for content from books, journals, articles, different websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. You are taking their content, so you have to provide a bibliography for that. Doing this will keep your content plagiarism free and the original owner of that information will also get the credit. You have to provide every information you got from someone else including tv interviews or someone’s written quote. You don’t need to cite when you are writing a general fact, your thoughts, your analysis based on their work, any new research you got from your work, etc.

Most Important Styles In Referencing

There are more than 200 reference styles available to use. Each is used for a different purpose and has its uniqueness. If we talk about the academics sectioned the most commonly used referencing styles are APA, MLA, Oxford, Harvard, and Chicago.

American Psychological Association (APA )

In the APA style, both the in-text citation and proper reference section at the end of the assignment are added. APA  referencing style is used maximally in comparison to other styles and it is used for mainly educational subjects like engineering, and social studies. In APA style, the name of the author is directly added with the year of publication. Even in APA style referencing varies a little based on the type of document used like for book, journal or article, and website it will be different.

MaterialIn-text citationReference
BookAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of published content, title, Publisher
Journal/ArticleAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of published content, title, Title of Journal, Location, Date of the published content
WebsiteAuthor, Date of  PublicationAuthor, Date of published content, Version, title, Location

Modern Language Association (MLA)

In MLA style referencing both in-text citation and reference section at the end of the assignment is needed. It is used for the humanities part mainly which includes English, Philosophy, linguistics, etc. The First thing in MLA referencing is the author’s name and after that the information of publication.

MaterialIn-text citationReference
BookAuthor, PublisherAuthor, title, Publisher, Date of the published content
Journal/ArticleAuthor, PublisherAuthor, title, Title of Journal, Number, Date of published content, Location
WebsiteAuthor, PublisherAuthor, title, Title of Journal, Date of published content, Location

Chicago Notes and Bibliography

To link the text of your work to the source in this referencing style we use footnotes and endnotes. It is generally used for history and humanities academic work. It will need a separate bibliography page at the end of your work.

MaterialIn-text CitationBibliography
BookAuthor, Date of published content, LocationAuthor, Date of published content, title, Location
Article/JournalAuthor, Date of published content, LocationAuthor, Date of published content, Title Source, Title of Journal, Location
WebsiteAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of published content, title, Version, Location

Chicago Author-Date

Chicago Author-Date is similar to the APA referencing style. You will need to provide an in-text citation and a separate reference section at the end of your work. You will cover subjects like Physical and Social Sciences.

MaterialIn-text citationReference
BookAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of published content, title, Publisher
Journal/ArticleAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of published content, title, Title of Journal, Location, Date of the published content
WebsiteAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of published content, Version, title, Location


In Oxford style referencing in place of in-text citation, a footnote is provided at the end of the page, and a reference section at the end of the assignment is needed. The first thing to mention is the name of the author and after that mention the title.

BookTitle, Subscript numberAuthor, Title, volume, date of the published content
Journal/ArticleTitle, Subscript numberAuthor, Title, Title of Journal, Volume, Date of the published content, Location
WebsiteTitle, Subscript numberAuthor, Title, Date of the published content, location


In Harvard style referencing both in-text citation and reference section comes at the end of the assignment is needed. The first thing is the name of the author and after that mention the date of the publication.

MaterialIn-text citationReferences
BookAuthor, Date of the published content, page numberAuthor, Date of the published content, Title, Publisher
Journal/ArticleAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of the published content, Title, Title of journal, Volume, Location
WebsiteAuthor, Date of the published contentAuthor, Date of the published content, Publisher, Location

Comparison Between Different Types Of Referencing

 Each referencing style follows a different structure and you can easily distinguish them just by seeing them.

Journal (Performance implication of strategic changes)Pangarkar, N. (2015). Performance implications of strategic changes: An integrative framework. Business Horizons, 58(3), 295-304.Pangarkar, Nitin. “Performance implications of strategic changes: An integrative framework.” Business horizons 58.3 (2015): 295-304.Pangarkar, N. Performance implications of strategic changes: An integrative framework. 58-3 (2015): 295-304Pangarkar, N., 2015. Performance implications of strategic changes: An integrative framework. Business Horizons, 58(3), pp.295-304.Pangarkar, Nitin. “Performance implications of strategic changes: An integrative framework.” Business horizons 58, no. 3 (2015): 295-304.

As you can directly see the difference between each structure, you can also see the difference by comparing each referencing style structure mentioned in the above point.

BookPangarkar, N. (2011). High-performance companies: Successful strategies from the world’s top achievers. John Wiley & Sons.Pangarkar, Nitin. High-performance companies: Successful strategies from the world’s top achievers. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.Pangarkar, N. Performance implication of strategic changes: An integrative framework. Business horizons 58.3 (2015)Pangarkar, N., 2011. High-performance companies: Successful strategies from the world’s top achievers. John Wiley & Sons.Pangarkar, Nitin. High-performance companies: Successful strategies from the world’s top achievers. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Common Tips In Referencing

If you are using Microsoft Word to work on your documents, referencing can be an easy task for you. You can follow these steps to complete the citation peocess in a shorter time.

  1. Look for the citation and bibliography option on the taskbar of the word.
  2. Then you will see the insert citation option, click on that.
  3. Select the referencing style you want to use, Ms-word already has a few referencing style structures added.
  4. After that select, the option “Add new source”, from there you can choose either a book, journal, etc.
  5. Add the needed information about the author and all. After that, it will automatically add the referencing according to the structure wherever you need it.

Another easy method is to look for all of the content from “google scholar”, they provide citation options as well which you can just directly copy and paste to your content.

There are few things that you need to seriously consider while writing the referencing as it can affect your assignment performance. These are: –

●       Always write the references on a different page from the rest of the work.

●       The references should be in alphabetical order in the reference section, you can add it however you like the in-text citation option.

●       Always make sure to read your guidelines properly for the referencing style preference, as every university allows for specific styles.

●       You can add as many references as you want but the access won’t benefit you either. You can follow the calculation of adding 6-8 references for 1000 words and so on.

Wrap Up

Providing references to the work is an important part of the assignment but it can be challenging if you don’t have the proper information about it. The most commonly used referencing is APA. MLA, Chicago plays a fixed structure for books, articles, and websites. Keep that in mind before using the bibliography. Problems with references are one of the common issues faced by students in their assignments. If you feel like giving the perfect references for your assignments is too tough for you, you can look get your assignment Proof Read and Edited by subject experts and get the work modified as per the marking rubrics. 

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How To Write A Good Abstract And Executive Summary

You might or might not know that an abstract and executive summary plays a really important role in your paper. So you can’t afford to make any kind of mistakes. These sections are different from writing any other body of the content. Don’t worry we got you covered here with Research Proposal Writing to help you cover this important part of your paper we have mentioned some points. You can through these and you can improve your overall paper performance.

How To Write Good Abstract

The abstract is a really important part of your paper/assignments as it is the first appearance of your whole work, and the reader or journal editor will see this part first. This will be the main focus that will be representing your whole work and it will decide whether they will read it further or not.

Write Abstract After The Completion Of Paper

What you need to do is write your paper/assignment fiesta and once you are done with that work on the abstract. The reason behind this is you will already know all the important information and statements of your work that you have to include in the abstract.

Provide Background Information At The Introduction Part

You should write about the reason why you decided to work on this research in the first few sentences. While describing that you should include the main topic of discussion along with the problem. After that information, the researchers who have already worked on this topic describe the problem. You can use phrases like “Here we aimed to” or “Here we are demonstrating” to talk about the aim of your paper.

Explain the Methodologies You Followed

In this section, you need to talk about the methods you used or you can use to solve the issues. Use this section to give a quick summary of your whole work on that particular topic.

Mention Important Finds

This section will be about the result statements, which is the crucial part of the abstract. A person will be reading this journal just to know the final answers to the issues,   which you have to mention in this part. Analytically speaking, this will be the biggest part of the abstract section maximum information to put in this section.

Concise Conclusion

 The last few lines of your abstract should be about the conclusion. You can start this part with “Our study revealed that” or “We conclude that”. You can continue the sentence by adding all the important conclusions and results of your work. It is really important to find and include sentences about including both theoretical and practical knowledge to describe or inform about your contribution in this field.

How To Write Good Executive Summary

The executive summary is used to preface all the important results of any research done. It summarises large plans with the help of communicating taking away research courses of action. You can follow this structure to write the executive summary: –

  1. Introduction part starting with an opening statement where you can also provide some background information.
  2. What is the purpose of your research?
  3. What are the methods that you used to gather data and analyze it?
  4. Give an overview of all the results you found.
  5. Describe recommendations and also justify them.

Write Major Parts Of Document

Look for the most important part of the document that you prepared, you can do it by reading the whole report/assignment properly. The executive summary is like a mini-paper of the prepared paper, it should include everything important in around 300 words only. It is important to give a complete explanation of what messages or information you are trying to come by through this work.

Include The Main Course

What you can do is add all the important ideas of the document from each section of the document. This way you will be able to cover every important point and aspect of doing this work.

Confined Information

The total words used for the executive summary shouldn’t be more than 10% of the total document. You have to be very concise while choosing what sentences you have to include in this part. With the help of an executive summary you can, and explain the whale document.

Wrap Up

The abstract and executive summary is really important part of any academic writing as these are the first things to be noticed by people. The executive summary is important for presenting a research proposal and you can’t make any Best Research Proposal Writing Services. If you still have issues with your assignments/ projects, you can look for High Quality Assignment Help, they have a team of professionals. They have a picket-friendly budget and provide multiple rounds to correct the mistakes, and much more. You can connect with them to get any kind of help you need in assignment writing/ project work, etc.

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Are Essay Writing Online Help Services Worth It?

With busy life schedules, working on assignments is getting a little hard. This is not the only reason, students are busy working on learning new skills, especially in the Covid-19 period, working part-time, getting jobs, applying for internships, and many more. Due to the less confidence in time and also the fear of making mistakes in writing essays is students miss out on meeting deadlines or scoring good grades. Online essay writing services are a solution for many issues but the question that arises is are they worth it? You will get to know about it in this article.

Things that scare students about Essay Writing Online Services

Even after so many benefits from these platforms, some students are scared of using them due to certain reasons. These are: –

Fear Of Being Caught

As technology has made the life of everyone quite easier, there are applications for grammar checks and plagiarism. And these are working as a life savior for students and even teachers are in favor of using these. But taking the help of online essay writing services is still not acceptable. This creates the fear of getting caught by teachers about what will happen if they find out that the student used professional writers for their work.

Fear Of Getting Low-Quality Essay

There are so many websites and platforms available to provide these services, but you never know which one will be doing great. If the submission they got is of low quality or below the expectation, this scares students into not using the websites for help.

Fear Of Losing Money

This is connected to the second point, if the submission they got is of poor quality, they might need to redo it on their own or have to take the help of any other service providers. This will result in losing the money they paid for work for the first time. Along with that, their reputation in class will be ruined.

Reasons Why Online Essay Writing Services Are Worth It?

Along with so many doubts in students’ heads, there are many reasons for them to look for these kinds of services. You will get the benefit as: –

Professional Writing

Almost every site for online essay writing help service hire Ph.D. graduates to work on their assignments and papers. This is because they understand how important these are for your grades, so they won’t risk ruining your work. Along with that, they make sure to work according to the guidelines you provide so they don’t miss anything. They will also make sure to provide content that is error-free and has 0% plagiarism, along with the type of font, structure, reference style you need.

Time And efforts saving

Academic work takes a lot of time and you have to put in a lot of effort to look for trustable sources, including the right content, and prepare the essay. You can just easily ask the assignment help sites to work on it and they will help you in saving time and effort. And in that time you can do something for yourself.

Deadline Submission

Let’s imagine that you forgot about the work and the deadline is so close that you won’t be able to complete it on time due to certain circumstances. In such a situation, you can just get help from these services, as they have professionals. They will dedicate all their time to work on your essay and will provide the best content.


There’s a wide range of offers you will get while looking for online essay writing services. You will get options that will be really cheap, average, and maybe costly. You can just go to them and look for the services provided in your budget. Most of them are quite pocket-friendly considering the situation of students.

Wrap Up

If you need a conclusion, online Essay Writing Service services are worth it, you just need to select the right one talking about that. You can look for High Quality Assignment Help which completes all the necessary points you need to get the best service. They have a professional team, pocket-friendly services, multiple revision rounds so you can be satisfied with the work.

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How to write an excellent scholarship essay

With the start of a new school year, now is the time to being serious about looking for and receiving scholarships to help pay for college! This usually involves an Essay Writing Service that helps you qualify for a scholarship. 

Scholarship Essay Writing Tips to Follow for writing ANY strong essay

#1 Essay should have an easy “flow” 

Here are some efficient essay writing abilities that will assist you in developing an excellent scholarship essay format:

  • Have a powerful introductory line for your essay, sometimes known as a “hook.” This is a wonderful introduction to several types of essay hooks, but remember to stay loyal to your own style and tone (more on this later).
  • Stick to the tried-and-true introduction, body, and conclusion structure. Even if the essay challenge appears to be vague, you’ll want your essay to have a distinct beginning, middle, and end.
  • Begin fresh paragraphs for new ideas. It is MUCH preferable to have more short paragraphs than long, difficult-to-read paragraphs!
  • Make sure to effectively end your essay and not just leave it at that. You can flesh it up, for example, with a statement on why you want to pursue post-secondary education: “Ultimately, I want to be a strong role model for other young women who may have been hesitant to utilize their voices.” You may not have time for a whole concluding paragraph, but a brief “bow” at the end is nice.

#2 Familiarize yourself with the essay prompt… and stick to it!

Read the prompt multiple times to ensure that you fully understand what it is asking. Many scholarship programs feature similar essay question themes, such as how you’ve displayed leadership skills or how greater financial freedom would benefit your life as a college student.

If the prompt does not appear to be a question (e.g., “Reflect on the status of the environment and your part in aiding it”), we strongly advise that you reframe the essay prompt as a question. So, for example, ask yourself, “What is the general state of the world’s natural ecosystem, and how am I personally affecting it?”

#3 Select a topic that you are actually interested in

You should stick to the essay prompt. However, in other situations, you may have some leeway in selecting the topic, or at least the core focus. Write about a topic, event, or value that is meaningful to you. If you care about what you’re writing, you’ll generate better work and come across more truthfully. This goes a long way toward boosting your scholarship essays without adding additional effort to your plate. This is what we mean. Assume a prompt that asks you to recount a period when you were pleased with yourself. A number of examples may spring to mind. Maybe it was the first time you jumped off the high diving board. 

#4 Conduct some preliminary research on the scholarship provider

What is the name of the corporation or organization that is in charge of the scholarship program? On their website’s home page, you can learn a little bit about them. Learn about their mission and why they are offering this award. When you know more about the scholarship committee, you can better customize your essay to them.

Many scholarship sponsors also publish former scholarship winners on their websites, often along with the winning essay (or an extract from it). Examine what the scholarship provider says about prior winners to determine which of your qualities to emphasize in your essay.

#5 Be aware of the word/character limit

Most scholarship essays have a character or word limit for your essay. If you’re not used to keeping these constraints in mind, it can be difficult to determine what “250 words” actually means. As a general guideline, 250 words equals one typed page, double-spaced. (As a result, 500 words equals two written, double-spaced pages, and so on.)

We recommend that you run a word/character count on an essay of yours (or any piece of written work, really) to get a sense of different lengths. There are functions in Microsoft Word and Google Docs for this, but you may also use a letter counter like this one.

#6 Plan and brainstorm

We cannot emphasize this enough. If you have a plan for where you’re heading, the entire essay writing process will go much more smoothly. The first step is to get some organic ideas flowing so that you may select an essay topic that makes the most sense for you. Here are some fantastic essay brainstorming strategies.

You can begin to outline your essay once you have a clear understanding of its emphasis. Some pupils choose to skim over the outline. However, an outline speeds up the drawing process significantly. That’s why, later in this piece, we’ve included an essay plan you can use!

#7 Use ethos, pathos, and logos to your advantage

What-os, what-os? Let’s go over ethos, pathos, and logos quickly in case you haven’t already. Ethos, pathos, and logos are different ways to persuade your reader. In other words, they are methods for making your writing more powerful and convincing.

Here’s a nice explanation of ethos, pathos, and logos, but in a nutshell, here’s what they all mean:

  • Ethos = how you demonstrate your own trustworthiness, dependability, or authority on the subject (hint: your scholarship essays will rely heavily on your own life experiences).
  • Pathos = the use of emotional appeal (including creativity, imagination, and so on) to tell a story or make a point.
  • Logos = the use of logic or reasoning to make a point.

#8 Be straightforward

Your life and experiences are fascinating and valuable! You are not required to embellish or fabricate data in order to appear more deserving of the scholarship money. Nothing can outperform your genuineness. And believe us when we say that readers can recognize nonsense in an essay much more easily than you might think.

Here’s an easy one. If you’re a tutor, you might be tempted to say something dramatic, such as “I’ve had the luxury of helping influence thousands of lives over the previous four years.”

#9 Show, don’t tell

This is the golden rule of creative writing. Rather than just explaining everything, try to construct a vivid image for the reader. For example, don’t just remark that you’re stressed out because you’re juggling employment and high school. Describe how stress manifests itself in your life. (Are you pulling all-nighters and pounding coffee? Doing homework in between employment, school activities, and community service?) Make a mental picture and present detailed, credible instances.

#10 Allow yourself plenty of time

As with any written project, you should allow yourself adequate time to consider the prompt, plan, draft, and revise. A well-planned essay has a considerably better chance of winning than one thrown together at the last minute.

We recommend that you give yourself at least two weeks before the deadline to develop, draft, and revise your essay. You should, ideally, allow a couple of days between each of these stages of the essay writing process. This break will assist you in avoiding essay writer fatigue. It will also provide you with a better opportunity to edit errors, typos, and areas for improvement.

Final Thoughts 

Our final piece of advice for writing a scholarship application essay or cover letter is to demonstrate that you know who you are. What are your significant previous and present experiences that illustrate your strengths, and where do you want to go? Use carefully chosen language to underline your passion, drive, and enthusiasm, and remember to maintain a positive attitude in which you believe in all the wonderful things you have accomplished and intend to accomplish in the future. Not to mention that for further aid, you can always take assistance from any High Quality Assignment Help and ask us to Write My Essay

Best wishes!

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Top 5 Scholarship Essay Writing Tips to Follow For Writing Any Strong Essay

You will find many top essay writing tips here and there but we’ll say why take the risk when you can opt for Essay Writing Service and if not this then go you can follow these tips to ace in your essay.

#1 The essay should have a natural “flow.”

Here are some effective essay writing skills that will help you construct an exceptional scholarship essay format:

  • Have a strong opening phrase for your essay, sometimes known as a “hook.” This is a fantastic introduction to several forms of essay hooks, but remember to stay true to your own style and tone (more on this later).
  • Stick to the tried-and-true introduction, body, and conclusion structure. Even if the essay prompt looks to be vague, you’ll want your essay to have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Begin new paragraphs for new ideas. It is MUCH preferable to have more short paragraphs than long, difficult-to-read paragraphs!
  • Make sure to successfully end your essay and not just leave it at that. You can expand it out, for example, with a statement about why you wish to pursue post-secondary education: “Ultimately, I want to be a great role model for those young women who may have been scared to use their voices.” You may not have time for a full conclusion paragraph, but a little “bow” at the end is appropriate.

#2 Familiarize yourself with the essay prompt… and stick to it!

Read the prompt several times to ensure that you fully grasp what it is asking. Many scholarship programs have similar essay topic themes, such as how you’ve demonstrated leadership qualities or how more financial independence would help your life as a college student.

If the prompt does not appear to be a question (e.g., “Reflect on the state of the environment and your role in assisting it”), we strongly encourage that you reframe the essay prompt as a question. So, for example, ask yourself, “What is the general state of the world’s natural ecology, and how am I individually affecting it?”

#3 Pick a topic that piques your interest.

You should stick to the essay prompt. In other cases, you may have some leeway in selecting the topic or at least the fundamental focus. Write about a topic, event, or value that is important to you. If you care about what you’re writing, you’ll produce better work and come across more authentically. This goes a long way toward improving your scholarship essays without adding extra work to your plate. This is what we mean. Consider a prompt that asks you to recall a time when you were pleased with yourself. A variety of examples may come to mind. Maybe it was your first time jumping off the high diving board.

#4 Conduct preliminary research on the scholarship provider.

What is the name of the corporation or organization in charge of the scholarship program? On their website’s home page, you can discover a little bit about them. Learn about their mission and why they are awarding this prize. When you know more about the scholarship committee, you will be able to better tailor your essay to them.

Many scholarship sponsors also post previous award winners on their websites, frequently together with the winning essay (or an extract from it). Examine what the scholarship provider says about previous winners to identify which of your qualities to stress in your essay.

#5 Be aware of the word/character limit.

Most scholarship essays have a character or word limit for your essay. If you’re not used to keeping these limits in mind, it can be tough to figure out what “250 words” actually means. As a general rule, 250 words equals one typed page, double-spaced. (As a result, 500 words equals two written, double-spaced pages, and so on.)

We propose that you run a word/character count on an essay of yours (or any piece of written work, really) to get a taste of varied lengths. There are functions in Microsoft Word and Google Docs for this, but you may also use a letter counter like this one.

You can always seek guidance from any High Quality Assignment Help and ask us to write my essay for better grades.

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How do you pick a good topic for a social media research paper?

Choosing an appropriate topic may take longer than you imagined. Don’t rush; this stage of your work is crucial and may influence how the writing process evolves in your Research Proposal Writing. A fantastic topic will pique your target audience’s interest and present you with several possibilities for writing an outstanding media research paper.

If you’re having problems settling on a topic, explore some broad ideas and try to narrow your search. Consider some popular social networks and the ideas they spread. Choose the social site that appeals to you the most. You can get closer to finishing your task by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What distinguishes this social network from others?
  • Which feelings do I feel when I utilize it?
  • What is the most prevalent application for it?
  • What kind of harm can it cause, and to whom?
  • What benefits might it offer, and how would it do so?

Answering these questions allows you to better evaluate the theme and provide some good paper ideas for future social media research writing.


Most pupils have difficulty selecting topics for school research projects. It’s because some folks don’t know which process to use. Others lack writing experience. How should you go about choosing the right topics for your research projects?

First, go over all of the instructions to find out what the professor wants. After that, compile a list of potential themes. Examine them carefully and select one that will allow you to deliver a high-quality paper.


In the twenty-first century, social media has evolved into an important source of information. Students are expected to exhibit their knowledge and experience when writing a research paper on this topic. One approach is as follows:

  • An uncanny boom in the usage of social media during the pandemic 
  • The role of social media in promoting adolescent revolt
  • How Facebook has changed the marketing landscape
  • The use of social networking networks in political campaigns
  • Reasons why social networking sites should be blamed for the increase in suicides
  • Facebook addiction and how to deal with it in teenagers
  • The function of social networking services such as Twitter during natural catastrophes
  • How social networking networks may assist people in their job search
  • The most effective means of protecting personal data when using social networking websites
  • The significance of the government establishing a legal age for the usage of social networking sites
  • The rise in popularity of Instagram in emerging countries is one of the reasons why corporations are now preferring to market their products on Facebook.
  • In the previous ten years, social media has grown exponentially.
  • Facebook’s Benefits for American Youth
  • The link between social media and the rise of mental health issues
  • Twitter’s evolution from its inception to the present day
  • Methods for effectively monitoring what children access on social networking sites
  • Communication habits are changing as a result of social media.
  • The advantages of the government monitoring people’s social networking activity
  • Strategies for establishing a strong social media presence


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How to write an executive summary in five easy steps?

Here are the five steps to creating a great executive summary:

1. Describe your project in general terms

An effective executive summary begins with an introduction that provides readers with an overview of your planned undertaking. Include information about your company in this part, such as its name, address, type of business, products or services supplied, and other pertinent industry information.

2. Plan your strategy

In the second portion of your executive summary, provide information about your target market, project, or program, as well as the problems you want to solve. This section should also include industry or field-specific information.

Include information about your competitive advantage and other marketing insights in your business pitch. Discuss past research experience and credentials that qualify your team to tackle the subject for academic and research purposes.

3. Provide insights into the proposed operational plan

In the third portion of your executive summary, describe your venture’s activities, such as the office, lab, or another primary site. Mention whether the venture or project will be primarily online or will have a physical office, as well as any other operational specifics. If you’re writing a research report, outline how you’ll perform experiments or field surveys to collect data.

4. Outline information on projections

Section four should provide financial and sales predictions for the next one to three years following the implementation of a company strategy. Include details on your breakeven point – the point at which expenses equal income – and when the business is expected to earn a profit. If you’re creating an executive summary for a project or research, including the milestones and projected outcomes.

5. Emphasize the importance of information funding requirements

In section five, explain how much money you want the readers to invest in your firm or project. Provide a specific figure that supports your financial and sales objectives, taking into consideration manufacturing costs and other overhead. Discuss the financial requirements for research and other non-commercial operations such as experiments, logistics, and other resources required to achieve desired outcomes.

For further information, you can always take assistance from any High Quality Assignment Help

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Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Learn How to Write a Business Case Study

So, why take the effort to construct your own case study? (It DOES TAKE A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT!) If the “what is” didn’t persuade you already, here are some compelling reasons to learn how to write a business case study and create your own.

Business case studies have numerous advantages. The top four are as follows:

1. Case studies enable a corporation to employ narrative to bring their product to life

A case study is a good approach to showcase and helps bring to life service or a hard-and-fast consumer product for new customers, whether it’s a service or a hard-and-fast consumer product. An excellent case study, like any great narrative, has a beginning, a middle, and an end, as well as a conflict and a resolution. It’s a wonderfully successful approach to making fairly complex items a reality, and it may go a long way toward boosting the popularity of your assignment. 

2. Case studies give peer-to-peer influence

Peer-to-peer influence is extremely essential, and case studies excel at providing it since they provide the perspective of a client rather than a firm. While it is a corporation that produces a case study, the entire thing is dedicated to describing a customer’s experience. Direct quotes, figures, and other elements are common, and these are excellent for assisting prospective clients to grasp the worth of your assignment. 

3. Case studies provide real-world instances

We’ve all heard how important customer reviews are for conversion rates, and case studies take this a step further. They may assist students to feel more confident in your research and take the leap to convert by offering real-life instances of your product in action, along with glowing remarks and reviews. 

4. Case studies are effective word-of-mouth popularity

Because a company must obtain permission from a client before using his or her data in a case study, including a customer in a case study often results in some brand evangelism, which can assist enhance the quality and standard of your assessment on a business case study. 
In order to get help in writing a business case study, you can always take assistance from any High Quality Assignment Help.

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How to Write an Excellent Abstract

An abstract is a short paragraph that summarizes a document. The length of an abstract should be between 100 and 200 words, with a list of keywords at the conclusion to assist readers in identifying the paper’s vital themes. While the standards for abstracts vary by academic area, there are two sorts of abstracts: humanities and sciences. This handout discusses the features of a good abstract as well as how to create an abstract for the humanities and sciences.

The Characteristics of a Good Abstract

While the substance of an abstract may differ depending on the field in which it is written, abstracts have certain fundamental characteristics and should:

  • It is between 100 and 200 words long.
  • Describes the paper’s substance or procedure; it is not an introduction.
  • Avoid introducing additional material that is not present in the article.
  • It sticks to the paper’s structure.
  • It should be written after the document is completed.
  • While not all academics incorporate keywords in their abstracts, keywords assist readers in identifying the major themes of the work so that they may access further articles and papers related to their research.

A good abstract requires four essential elements 

So, how could a research paper abstract be written in such a way that readers get the most out of it?

The vital components of a research study should be presented in a decent abstract. An informative abstract should, in general, summarize the vital components of the research article, including the introduction, materials, and techniques employed, findings, discussion, conclusions, and suggestions. As a result, it must include the following fundamental elements:

  1. The research paper’s objective, goal, or purpose

This section of the abstract discusses the study’s reasoning. It clearly describes the study’s objective, aim, or purpose. It expresses the problem statement, primary argument, or thesis statement. The study’s importance in society is emphasized. What motivated the researchers to conduct the study? What is at stake?

  1. Methods or research methods that define the processes that will be used in the study’s execution

The technique or methodology section provides a succinct description of the approach or methodology used in data collection, processing, and analysis. It provides a summary of how the researcher or group of researchers carried out the inquiry. It covers the number of samples, tools, and statistical tests utilized to examine data in quantitative studies. This section also hints at the breadth of the research.

This section of the abstract describes the  point of view of the researcher or researchers. It outlines the many sorts of evidence that are employed.

The methodology section also includes essential concepts and keywords that distinguish it and make it searchable. It also identifies the investigation’s emphasis, such as a group of individuals, a certain gender, ethnicity, community, environment, and so on.

  1. Results or significant findings

The study’s outcomes or significant findings are summarized in this section of the abstract. It just provides the study’s significant outcomes, most noteworthy findings, or highlights in a line or two.

You may use the probability values in this section to demonstrate the importance of calculated correlations or differences. It stresses the results’ practical significance, and how they will contribute to or improve the corpus of knowledge on the subject.

  1. The overall conclusion

The main result of the study is stated in this section of the research abstract. What conclusions did the researchers reach after receiving the findings?

When drafting the abstract, pay close attention to the conclusion in particular. The end should be fully supported by the investigation’s results rather than a broad statement with no strong argument or evidence to back it up.

Other things to think about when writing the study abstract: Do you need to add suggestions in the research abstract?

Some academic institutions and scientific periodicals do not include suggestions in their abstracts in practice. While reading through numerous published scientific articles, I noticed that some abstracts only include the main discoveries. While having the information given below is a recommended practice, there are certain exceptions.

Reading study summaries that give you very little about the paper’s main findings, especially those that are behind a paywall, frustrates me as an academic. I believe that abstractions serve more as a marketing tool than as a means of disseminating critical information.

The abstract’s tense

When writing an abstract, what tense should you use?

Because the study has already occurred, the abstract is frequently written in the past tense. However, facts must be stated in the present tense in sections such as the results, discussion, and conclusion.

However, in recent years, many authors have preferred to write in the present tense. In composing the paper, they take the first-person viewpoint. In the abstract, you’ll notice the following phrases:

  • We examine five years’ worth of sample visitor data and find
  • Non-linear, Poisson and negative binomial count data are compared.
  • In this study, I question these interpretations…

Finally, the style of abstract writing is determined by the journal of publication. However, putting all of the parts together might be more valuable to the reader if you want them to understand what you’re trying to say.

Last thoughts

Have your style by departing somewhat from the norm. The goal is that the abstract should be fascinating enough for readers to want to read your inquiry, benefit from it, or avoid it since it isn’t immediately relevant to their interests.

Because you want people to find your work, choose keywords or phrases that express the core of your investigation. Popular search engines like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari require certain keywords to properly serve individuals who are looking for information on the topic on which you have spent your time, money, and effort. You can check out High Quality Assignment Help for the correct way of writing the perfect abstract.

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