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Economics Assignment Help

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Economics is a science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is concerned with the satisfaction of human needs through the allocation of resources. It analyses and studies the behaviour of individuals, organizations, and countries and their allocation of resources. Nowadays, many governmental agencies, multinational companies, and commercial banks are hiring economists; thus, the demand is on the rise. In general, economic assignments given to university students enable them to address several facets of the subjects in which the relationship, actions, resource shifts in both goods and services are evaluated and adapted for the overall organizational growth, from output to final delivery, from producers to consumers. This is where High Quality Assignment Help’s economics assignment help services come into play, giving students seeking Bachelors’, Masters’, and Ph.D. in Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United Nations, UAE, and worldwide with best online economic homework help.

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    Classification of Economics Homework Given

    Following is the classification of economics:

    1.    Microeconomics

    Microeconomics refers to the decisions made by individual entities such as a person, Household, firms, business organization, and government agencies with regards to the allocation of resources. It explains how such entities respond to the changes in the prices of goods and services. It deals with factors like supply, demand, and price that determine the economy’s prices and services. It explains how the demand changes with change in price. It explains why goods are valued differently. It covers aspects of production, such as efficiency, costs, labour organization, and function of businesses. It also shows how these entities coexist in the economy.

    2.    Macroeconomics

    It deals with the economy as a whole both on national and international levels. It focuses on a distinct geographical region or a nation or a continent, or even the world at large. It deals with the performance, structure, behaviour, and decision-making of an economy as a whole. The study includes a wide range of topics such as Gross Domestic Product, National Income, unemployment rates, Inflation, investment, Output, consumption. Fiscal and monetary policy and foreign trade.

    Basic Concepts in Economics


    There are certain important concepts that we need to understand in order to have a better understanding of economics. They are as follows:

    1.    Supply and demand

    All human beings have needs. These needs create demand for goods and services, and this demand leads to the supply of such goods and services. Supply and demand determine the price at which both, the supplier and the consumer, are willing to exchange the goods and services. Supply and demand are affected by factors such as speculations of changes in the market, upgradation in Technology, shortages, Surpluses, etc.

    2.    Scarcity

    Resources are limited but not human needs. This leads to a scarcity of resources. The scarcity of a particular resource affects its demand and further affects its price. If a resource is scarce, its demand increases, and hence it becomes expensive. Even during the allocation of resources, scarcity of resources needs to be taken into consideration.

    3.    Opportunity Cost

    When we are asked to choose from many options with each option having its own benefits, we have to give up on the benefits of the options that we did not choose in order to get the benefits of the options that we chose. The benefits we gave up on to receive the benefits that we choose are a cost we paid for them. This is Opportunity Cost. Although opportunity cost is not reflected in the financial reports of business owners, you can use opportunity costs in order to make better decisions when they are supposed to make choices.

    4.    Time Value of Money

    The sum of money you have right now is more in value than the identical sum of money you may receive on a future date due to its potential earning capacity. Investors prefer to receive money today rather than on a future date. This is because money has the potential to grow in value over a period of time.

    5.    Purchasing Power

    The amount of goods and services that can be purchased by a unit of money is its Purchasing Power. What could be bought for 100 USD 10 years ago cannot be bought now because of the increase in the prices of goods and services. Therefore it can be easily understood that as prices of goods and services increase, the purchasing power of money decreases.

    6.    Interest

    Interest is a sum paid by the borrower to the lender, which is above the sum of money borrowed. The amount that is borrowed is known as the Principal. The rate at which the interest is paid is called the Rate of Interest and is expressed in terms of percentage.

    7.    Specialization

    When a particular activity can be divided into small tasks in such a manner that each such task can be performed using specific skills by a particular person, that specialization avoids wastage of the limited resources and is hence leads to optimum utilization of the resources as the resources are scarce and limited optimum utilization of the resources is an important consideration in economics. When a specialist performs a particular task, he does it more efficiently and quickly than the one who is an amateur. This saves time and cost.

    8.    Market

    Market constitutes a place where goods or services are bought and sold. It must be noted here that a marketplace is not restricted to a physical manifestation of such a place. Goods or services are bought and sold at local, national, and also at international levels. Hence it can be said that wherever there is a supply and demand for goods or services, there exists a market.

    9.    Capital

    Usually, Capital is believed to be the money invested in the business. But, in economics, the term Capital has a broader meaning. In economics, Capital means anything which is of value and which, when used in business, bring revenue to the business. For example, the trucks used by transport companies to transport their goods are considered as Capital in economics.

    10.         Externality

    Externality is a cost or benefit that occurs when the production or consumption of goods have an impact on a party that is not directly related to the transaction. It is not financially incurred or received by the producer or consumer. Externality may be positive or negative.

    11.         Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P.)

    G.D.P. is the total monetary value of all the goods and services produced within a country during a specific period of time. It is used to estimate the size of an economy and growth rate. It is a key tool that helps policymakers, investors, and business owners in order to make strategic decisions.

    12.         Equilibrium Price

    It is a state of the market where the supply of goods and services matches the demand for these goods and services. This results in instability of prices in the market—the balancing effect of demand and supply results in a state of equilibrium.

    13.         Resources

    In economics, resource means anything that is used in order to produce goods or provide services. Labor, land, Capital, money, Technology, etc. are the few examples of resources.

    14. Cost of Revenue

    This is the total cost incurred by a producer of goods. It includes all the expenses incurred by a producer right from the procurement of raw materials, converting them into finished goods, and distributing the goods in the market.

    We Offer Economic Assignment Help In The Following Subjects


    Managerial Economics

    It is the application of the theories, tools, methodologies, and concepts of the economy to solve problems of business. It is considered as a combination of managerial theory and economics theory. It is based on regression analysis, mathematical programming, game theory correlation, and calculus.

    Organizational Economics

    It deals with obstacles in the economic activities within as well as outside the organization. Transactional cost theory, agency theory, and contract theory is widely applicable in organizational economics. It employs economics logic and other methods to know the performance, function, and nature of the organization.

    Behavioral Economics

    It studies the effect of psychological, emotions, and society on the decision of organizations and individuals. This aspect of the economy studies the mechanism that drives consumer’s choices.

    Cultural Economics

    It is the study of economics that analysis the correlation between culture and behaviour. This subject is studied from case studies, empirical modelling, and theories.

    Agricultural Economics

    It is a sub-branch of economics that deals with the use of the economic principle in the production and distribution of fibre and food. It stresses maximizing the crop yield in the given land and also up keeping of soil quality. This subject of economics has contributed to the formation of food policy, agricultural policy, and environmental policy.

    Business Economics

    This is an applied branch of economics that deals with environmental, financial, market-related issues that obstruct the function or growth of an organization. The main concepts of this subject are consumption, scarcity, and distribution.

    Applied Economics

    It is the application of the principles of economics and econometrics in agriculture, labour, business, industry, education, health, public, engineering, and finance. 


    Why Hire Economic Assignment Help Subject Experts


    Our team of expert writers hold PhD and high academic records. They will help you with our affordable economics assignment help service to score A+ grades in your assignments. You can count on our economic assignment help experts for these reasons:

    • On-Time Delivery: We promise you to deliver within the stipulated time frame so that you can submit your work on time.
    • Plagiarism-Free, Comprehensive Economics Homework Help: We will provide you with PhD scholars who will write 100% plagiarism free and detail economics homework help to get you the highest possible grades.
    • Affordable Pricing: We believe that students should be charged fairly, and hence we follow an extremely affordable pricing structure for our students.

    What are you waiting for? Get into touch with our customer service representative, who will help you out on a 24/7 basis. Call us now.

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