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Online quizzes are one of the quickest ways to assess or impart knowledge. Not only students, the employees at industry too, use them with a view to enhancing their knowledge. Before and after training sessions at organizations also require employees to appear for a quiz. You can promptly get the results at minimum costing as compared to objective tests. The skill tests require special apparatus and are more time consuming than a quiz test.

Usually, the students attempt a quiz test at the end of a course or for certifications. A variety of quizzes are used to test their knowledge holistically. Our quiz help online – experts also suggest introducing negative marking for each wrong answer in special cases so that students do not answer them randomly.

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    How to Design Quizzes

    The process of designing quizzes is a struggling process. It is quite difficult to prioritize the distribution of quizzes related to a particular topic. It requires exposure to the subject and experience to design the quizzes. Here, we will guide you to make the designing process effortless.

    Step 1: Define the Quiz Type

    The process of drafting the quiz is quite difficult. It is similar to designing a course. The initial step is defining an objective. What do you want to teach the students? What do you want them to know about the subject? Draft the quiz as per the answer you get for these questions. Usually, quizzes are divided into two categories as per the purpose:

    Assessment Quizzes

    These quizzes have no explanation of the solution and are time-based. The students who already learned a particular subject are expected to attempt this quiz for the same subject. The aim of this quiz is to check the knowledge. It checks the knowledge of students accurately. This type of quizzes is attempted by a student who has achieved an intermediate level of expertise and is looking forward to excelling in the corresponding subject. 

    Reinforcement Quizzes

    There is no time limit but they are divided into modules. It intends to broaden the base of knowledge. They are drafted along with explanations and no negative marking is penalized for wrong answers. 

    Step 2: Decide the Types of Quiz Questions

    Our expert writers have numerous types of questions for quizzes. Here the details of the same:

    1. Multiple Choice— in this type of question, students are asked to select one option among 4 choices. To increase the difficulty level you can provide 5 or 6 options.
    2. Multiple choice with more than one correct option— there are questions who have multiple correct options. These questions require an advanced level of proficiency to address.
    3. True/False— the students have to decide whether the given statement is right or wrong. It is the simplest type of question.
    4. Matching— here, two columns are given with all of their combinations in option. The students have to select the option with all correct combinations.
    5. Numeric— these kinds of questions are suitable for the question which involves calculation. The learner has to type a numeric value to answer the question.

    High Quality Assignment Help writer prefers to maintain a 40/60 ratio i.e. 40% of multiple-choice questions and 60% of all other kinds of questions.

    Step 3: Structure and Wordings of Questions

    The effectiveness of questions relies on how well the questions are framed and the selection of words. It is important to specify all the information otherwise students will answer it randomly in case of missing information. This will deteriorate their score and lead to inaccurate assessments.

    Step 4. Write the options

    This is the trickiest part of drafting quizzes. You need to have good writing skills to confuse the students. Your aim is to distract the students and let them struggle to get the right answer hence we use distractors. Here are the tips to write the best options for quizzes:

    • Don’t write too long options. Keep it short and brief.
    • Keep the distractors and answers of the same length and structure. Inconsistency in grammar and language will hint learners for the right option.
    • Make sure that the answers are absolutely correct and other options are wrong. Don’t provide ambiguous options.
    • Avoid repetitive use of options like “none of the above” and “all of these”.
    • Write closely related options for advanced levels of a quiz.
    • For calculative questions, the value of distractor has to be near to answer in case of an advanced level of questions.

    Step 5. Characteristics of Quiz

    The characteristics of a quiz depend on the predetermined goal. The more clear will be the goal, more apt will be the quiz. Let’s discuss the characteristics of quizzes.

    Passing Marks

    The minimum marks to be scored in quiz for passing depends on difficulty level, the purpose of quiz and subject. If the quiz is related to medicine then you can set 80-90% as passing marks because it involves the risk of life. If the purpose of quizzes is to impart knowledge then 35-50% is enough to pass.

    Time Limit

    This is primarily proportional to the number of questions asked and the difficulty level. Even easy questions resemble tough when time is scarce so set the time limit wisely.  

    Distribution of Questions

    To avoid copying, our writers advise you to set questions in a unique order. This will minimize the chances of cheating.

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    Some Important Points To Remember before Attempting Online Quizzes (For Students)

    Students always get stuck at a random portion of the quiz and end up at low scores. It is often difficult to score well in online tests due to many reasons, but there are two common reasons. One of the reasons is ‘unknown concept’ students have experienced this, and another reason is they don’t know the techniques to get the solution. To solve the online quizzes in minimum time, you should have in-depth knowledge of concepts and practice. 

    • Always use desktop or laptop: It is suggested to use computers when you attempt the online quiz because smartphones/tablets are not trustworthy due to their processing speed and programming of the platform. The pages of these kinds of platforms are optimized for computers only. Another drawback is the size of the screen is limited, so you might end up selecting the wrong option.
    • Use high-speed internet connection: Before attempting the online quiz, make sure your internet is uninterrupted, fast and reliable. We advise you to keep the backup option ready to deal with uncertainty. It is better if no such uncertainty arises in your test.
    • Read all the instructions carefully: You ought to read instructions provided to know about the marking system and UI/UX of the platform. Students often skip the instruction and then waste their precious time twiddling with the UI.
    • Check the hardware/software: It is better to check the performance of computer hardware and software requirements of the platform, upgrade or install new software if it does not satisfy it. Some universities record video through webcams so they check the drivers for the same.

    Most Useful Features Of Online Quiz Help Platform Found By Professors.

    • Here is the list of the features that intensify the learning experience of students.
    • Draw the attention of the audience
    • To engage the attention of the audience, the quiz must be interesting. Curate a list of funny yet informative quizzes so that consumer loyalty increases.
    • Capacity
    • The chosen platform should be able to handle traffic from all over the world. The upper limit of participants appearing for the quiz at the same time must be greater than 1000.
    • On the spot results.
    • The programming of the platform should be done in such a way that it declares results at the end of the test.
    • Set timer. We advise you to set two timers. One is more’ time left’ and another for ‘time spent on a single question’

    Why Choose Us

    We have an expert pool of professional writers and 400 of them are Ph.D. scholars. We provide quality quiz writing help at an economical price. Our writers are ready to work for prolonged hours to meet strict deadlines. Our content is uniquely structured and plagiarism-free. We provide Turnitin certificates at no extra cost. We ensure that the content you receive is free from errors to make this possible our team of editors work assiduously.  Our team of editors employs a premium version of the latest web tools to inspect the content and rectify it. We have a dedicated team of customer support executives, available 24/7 to assist you.

    We have 400+ Ph.D. writers with numerous years of academic experience. They deliver the work before the deadline to get enough time for revision if needed. We offer a great quality of the content at a modest price. Grab the best quiz writing help now! Ping us now!

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